Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 26, 2012

oatmeal and tea (totally not the same as iced coffee) - 170
banana - 100
fro meal - 290
chicken salad - 220
chips and salsa, taco, fruit salad - 480
ice cream - 150

(day total = 1410)

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

breakfast sandwich and little bit of coffee - 275
grape tomatoes - 35
rice and beans and watermelon (not all together) - 330
toast with pb, iced coffee - 270
chicken sandwich - 360

(day total = 1370)

Pretty good for the dreaded Day Two, eh?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4, 2012

breakfast sandwich and iced coffee - 350
church snacks - 250
chicken nuggets and honey mustard - 330
homemade french bread pizza and grapes - 450
ice cream - 150

(day total = 1520)

36 minute run with Eve (10 min run, 1 min walk x 3, plus 3 min run home)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012

breakfast sandwich, iced coffee - 350
the best lean cuisine I've ever consumed (or I was just really hungry) - 290
pb pumpkin - 95
granola bar - 140
tacos and grapes- 500
ice cream 150

(day total = 1525)