Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20, 2012

I suck at this food journal.  And guess where it shows?  On the scale.

iced coffee, 1/2 bagel with cream cheese = 300
chicken noodle soup, other bagel 1/2 = 460
iced coffee, cupcake = 235
homemade chicken and zucchini pizza = 600
toffee ice cream bar = 110

day total = 1705

This day is straight from the files of "Why Don't I Feel Good/Am Gaining Weight?"

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6, 2012

My-oh-my, vacation was delicious.  How delicious?  7 pounds delicious.

special K w/ red berries, iced coffee = 300
chobani = 140
tortilla soup and raw veggies = 300
almonds* 3 musketeers bar = 200
pizza* = 600

(day total = 1540)

biked to/from gym total 5 miles
ran 1 mile waiting for Ab Lab to start
Ab Lab - 20 mins
Swam 600 yards

*My virtuous meal plan included almonds for a snack and homemade gyros for dinner, but Brian got home as I was setting the food on the table, allowing me enough time to bike to the gym if I skipped the delicious dinner I prepared, resulting in binging on leftover pizza when I was starving at 8:30.  Meal Plan Fail.